Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Commissions and prints

Hello Everyone!

Its been a while since my last Blog entry.. sorry for that! But it has been a very busy period.
The last exhibit went quite well and people where very positive about the stuff ive made.
So that was quite a confidence boost! :)

Another acknowledgement that i am heading the right way and that these last 2.5 years( since i started drawing ) has not been a total waste! :D


I wanted to let you all know i have update my website : http://www.beek-art.com
This now contains more of my portfolio pieces and some information about getting prints of my artwork.

So if you are interested!?, get in touch with me ( through DA or mail or pidgeon.. ) and we will sort out a deal!

Besides the prints, i'm open for commissions. So if you want me to design, paint or draw something for you,, let me know! :)

I also do pencil portraits or digital portraits from photos and such.
Some examples of that can soon be viewed on my website.. ( yes.. another link ) http://www.beek-art.com


I also wanted to thank everyone for their support, its a great motivation for me to keep working hard!
Its all very much appreciated! <3

Okay! Now back to the drawingboard! Got another exhibit comming up in June and i still have lots of work to do! :)

Thank you all!
Stay beautiful!!
