Saturday, November 19, 2011

some more stuff for the portfolio

Hello boys n girls! Going to keep this short.. I know you people don't read this blog for the text.. So i won't take long. i ran into this tool.. don't remember where i got it from. But its really nice to do some figures or paintings from! enjoy: and for the art update of this piece of text. SOme personal works. a master study, a photo study and something from mind. and something wow..

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Game Design

Hey everyone! So lately i have been working on this iphone game. It will most likely be released in January, but the art will be done soon. So maybe expect a update about that in December.. I'm hired to draw up the entire game. So thats just awsome! Quite a load of work but really cool that there will be a game out, entirely drawn by me :) Next to that i have been working on some more concepty stuff for my portfolio. Here are some characters i've designed for that pupose :) ENjoy!<3